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Hoosier Hills Career Center

Monroe County Community School Corporation

About Us

Hoosier Hills Career Center offers programs in career development for high school students as part of their high school curricula.

Career Center programs reflect employment needs with the service area, and program content is updated through the use of Advisory Committees, whose membership includes people working in the various occupational fields.

College Credit and advanced placement opportunities are available from Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University for students at the Career Center who successfully complete coursework in classes that offer these options.

Students attend their home high school 1/2 day, and the Career Center 1/2 day, five days a week. Some courses may also be taken in shorter blocks instead of 1/2 day increments.

Specific classes available and schedules are explained further in the Programs section.

Transportation is provided from the home high school to HHCC and back. In some cases, a student may be required to provide their own transportation to job sites, co-ops, or internships.



We exist to serve our students, their families, and our community.  We prepare our students with marketable and transferable skills, occupational knowledge and positive work habits that provide a foundation for post-secondary education and advanced technical training.



Career and technical education offers to all students an opportunity to acquire marketable job skills, occupational knowledge and positive attitudes for entering in to the world of work and/or leading into post-secondary study. In order to provide these opportunities, a variety of skill training programs is offered and kept current with labor needs based on feasibility studies and direct input from area advisory boards representing business, labor and industry. Career and technical education serves a critical need by giving the student a definite purpose for his/her continuous educational process. Through these various course offerings, secondary and adult students develop a belief in the dignity of work, pride in accomplishment, and a desire to learn. Career and technical education produces students with transferable skills for occupations which often require continuous upgrading and retraining. Career and technical education recognizes the need for emphasizing both the academic and occupational components of the educational process and strives to maintain a positive relationship with the home high schools, thus assisting in the development of the total student.




To prepare students for productive, successful employment in technical and service occupations. To encourage the continued education of graduates through technical schooling, college, apprenticeships, or other post-secondary education programs.


  • All programs place emphasis on technical skills, employability, and applied academics.
  • All programs assess students' progress through competency achievement in areas of employability, computation, communication, and technical skills.
  • Each student develops a career portfolio.
  • Students with special needs receive assistance through additional services.
  • Programs offer a community-based education component for student learning in the workplace.