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Hoosier Hills Career Center

Monroe County Community School Corporation

Health Science Education II (Practicum)


Health Science Info Flyer

Health Careers/Practicum (Grades 11-12)


Course Overview:

Health Science Education 2 is a one-year program, for seniors only. HSE 2 takes an in-depth look at several specific careers in the health care industry. The course is designed to provide students with the types of skills needed by a variety of health care providers. In addition to a solid foundation in basic health care terminology and human anatomy and physiology, there will be an emphasis on basic employability skills such as responsibility, dependability, customer caring, communication, and leadership. Students will spend a significant portion of the course in internships in community health care facilities and have the opportunity to pursue certification by National Healthcareers Association: CNA, CCMA, or CPT.



Course Outline:

Orientation Medical terminology Health careers Infection control Meeting needs Professionalism Communication Health changes and disease states Human anatomy and physiology with related health care skills



Special Opportunities:

Qualifying students in the Health Careers/Practicum program may compete in the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) state conference. Top-rated students in the state competition have the opportunity to compete at the national conference.



Post-secondary Education Credit:

Upon successful completion of the Health Careers/Practicum course, students may qualify for post-secondary education credit in Medical Terminology at Ivy Tech State College.



Student Profile:

A successful student in Health Careers/Practicum should be dependable, goal-oriented, motivated, able to work independently, and have excellent interpersonal skills.



Student Supplied Materials:

In addition to basic classroom supplies, the student must provide professional attire for shadowing experiences, scrub pants and jacket for internship, and white athletic shoes or nursing shoes.



Suggested Prerequisites:

Biology or Life Science C average in academic subjects, or successful completion of Introduction to Health Care Systems with instructor recommendation



Health Careers/Practicum includes:

Anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology focusing on disease states Exploration of career options in the health care industry Instruction on skills that are universal to all health careers Instruction on skills specific to a variety of careers



Program Availability:

2 semesters, 2 blocks per day



Completion of Health Careers/Practicum prepares students for:

Entry-level employment as a health care assistant in a variety of fields
Post-secondary education



Mrs. Kim Stevens