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Hoosier Hills Career Center

Monroe County Community School Corporation

Automotive Technology


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Auto Tech Information Flyer

Automotive Technology (11-12)


Course Overview:

In Automotive Technology, students learn the functions and operational systems of vehicles, as well as how to diagnose and repair them. Instruction includes accepted diagnostic and repair procedures using modern equipment updated to industry standards. Care and maintenance of tools, equipment, and vehicles are stressed throughout the program, in addition to safety procedures.


Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the Automotive Technology course, the student will be able to:
Identify and locate the major parts of a vehicle
Describe the purpose of the fundamental automotive systems
Explain the interaction of the automotive systems
Describe major automobile design variations
Successfully diagnose and repair various mechanical, electrical, and computerized failures


Special Opportunities:

Students in Automotive Technology have the opportunity to compete for prizes and scholarships in numerous competitions. Several recent competitions have included a SkillsUSA automotive competition, Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills competition, and the IMSTEA Super Mileage Challenge.


Student Profile:

A successful student in Automotive Technology should enjoy working with vehicles, have good mechanical skills, good problem-solving abilities, and good interpersonal skills.


Internship Opportunities:

Students who have mastered the necessary competencies may qualify for cooperative education placement during the second semester of their senior year.

Student-Supplied Materials:

The student must provide basic auto repair tools.

Post-Secondary Credit:

Post-secondary credit is available for students continuing their education at Ivy Tech Community College.

Program Availability:

2 or 4 semesters, 2 blocks per day; Open to juniors and seniors

Completion of the Automotive Technology course prepares students for:


Employment with an auto dealer
Employment with an auto supply shop
Employment with an automotive repair and service business
Employment with an insurance company
Post-secondary education


Career Pathway Worksheet for Automotive Technology


Students who successfully meet requirements of the course and university may earn dual credit from Ivy Tech Community College.



Mr. Anthony Feller and Mr. Dan Nelson