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Hoosier Hills Career Center

Monroe County Community School Corporation



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Manufacturing/Metal Fabrication/Welding Flyer



Metal Fabrication (Grades 11-12)

Course Overview:

In this course students will learn metal fabrication processes and techniques that will enable them to pursue a variety of careers within business and industry. Students will receive instruction in the proper set-up, adjustment, maintenance and use of welding and fabrication shop equipment. The first year, exploratory in nature, study will rotate between welding and machining skill development. Second year students shall specialize in either precision machining or welding.

Course Content:

Basic Math
Print Reading
Sheet Metal Work
AWS SENSE Program 
Milling Machine & Lathe
Surfacing grinding 
CNC plasma cutting
CNC robot welding 

Students Supplied Equipment:

Students will need to provide some basic tools including safety glasses, welding helmet, leather welding gloves, and tape measure.

Length of Course: One or Two Years

Students who successfully meet requirements of the course and university may earn dual credit from Ivy Tech Community College.


Instructor: Mr. Mark