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Hoosier Hills Career Center

Monroe County Community School Corporation

Culinary Arts


Culinary Arts Info Flyer


Hospitality and Human Services


Culinary Arts Pathway

Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management (11-12)*

Recommended pre-requisites: Nutrition & Wellness, Advanced Nutrition & Wellness


Length of Course: 1 year (Half Day)


Topics for this course include basic baking theory and skills, introduction to breads, and basic culinary fundamentals including; food safety and sanitation, knife skills, stocks, sauces, various cooking techniques, recipe costing, and culinary math. Students will experience intensive, teacher monitored, standards-based laboratory situations with commercial applications utilizing our on-site student-run restaurant. Work-based experiences in the food industry are strongly encouraged.


Advanced Culinary Arts (12)*


Pre-requisite: Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management

Length of Course: 1 year (Half Day)


This course builds upon skills and techniques learned in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management. Instruction and intensive laboratory experiences include: commercial applications of principles of nutrition, aesthetic and sanitary selection, purchasing, storage, preparation, service of food and food products, using and maintaining related tools and equipment, baking and pastry arts skills, managing operations in food service, food science,  hospitality establishments, providing for the dietary needs of persons with special requirements, related research, and development and testing. Intensive laboratory experiences with commercial applications are a required component of this course of study. Student laboratory experiences may be school-based, “on-the-job” or a combination of the two. ServeSafe Certification offered.


Students who successfully meet requirements of the course and university may earn dual credit from Ivy Tech Community College.



Josh Cain